Saturday, July 15, 2006

On Joy

"Sympathetic joy is an unselfish, very positive mental attitude which is beneficial for oneself and others. In this case, it also refers specifically to rejoicing in the high rebirth and enlightenment of others."

--Rudy Harderwijk


Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

So right, Gangadhar. Hope your day is filled with bliss.

Meadow said...

If only the whole world could experience some high rebirth right about now.

Mike said...

It's interesting how hard people find sympathetic joy. I've known some very compassionate, loving people, who, when they see another person succeeding in a particular way, they are not happy for that person, but rather jealous, and somewhat angry that it's not them. It's definitely a different skill set, but no less important by any stretch.

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

So true Mike and Renee. And so, we work at it as best we can. I celebrate each of your success, brillance, and love for the world.

Kai said...

nice quote!

Bob said...

Personally I believe that joy is much much more than a positive mental attitude.

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