Monday, June 05, 2006

By Don Iannone

It flows through me
...and all other things.
There is but one--
Nothing separate
...or distinct ponder, struggle with
...fix, or integrate.
In its presence I sit
...before a Tucson sunrise--
an extravagent display of light
...that sweeps through me
...and carries me away
...from all feelings of separateness.
I am nothing
...that all isn't as well
...and nothing is that I'm not.
We are here for one another
...and because of one another
...but not in the sense
...of there being a separate you or me
...but in the sense we are part of one.
We can't understand it all
...but there is nothing to understand
...once we know we are it.
We need only be in its presence.
It's a sense. get sometimes
...and sometimes you don't.
When you realize your presence in it
...there is only "this."
Not "this" or "that."
Only "this."

From Tucson with Mary
sitting in the presence of the sun.


Dan said...

"Nothing separate
or distinct
to ponder, struggle with
fix, or integrate."

Wonderful, Don!

Mike said...

Beautifully written. I love how you use the sunrise to describe the speaker's awakening to that experience of oneness. The final four lines, the alliteration of the "th" sound, really brings out the clear, penetrating aspect of the wisdom of those lines. There is only this.

rauf said...

All comes from one, Don
as usual very imaginative. I let the light wash me.

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Thanks Dan, Mike, and Rauf for the kind words. This was indeed an inspired poem.

Zareba said...

Well said, Don. There is only being.


CE said...

There is but one--

Pat Paulk said...

Great poem! You really wrap it up nice in the last line.

Linda Jones Malonson said...

Like intuition, when you have it, you know it, and there is no thinking about it, it's just there. The more you use it the more you bececome aware that you always have it, and all you need do is go inside self and use it ---

I understand, and enjoyed reading "this" Don.

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

So right, Amias. Intuition is very powerful. I find woemn are better prepared to use theirs than men.

Bob said...

Thanks for reminding me. I keep forgetting!

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Thanks Z, Imemine, Rob, and Pat. A genuine inspired poem.

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Thanks Amias.

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