Sunday, October 08, 2006

October Full Moon
By Don Iannone

Why does the October full moon
seem so lonely, yet so bright?
Why does her luminous light
seem so still, without flicker?
Why does solitary moonlight
fill my dreams with deep mysteries,
keeping me awake as I sleep?
Why does the moon remind me
there is more to life
than what the sun can show?
Why do such questions stir and linger inside me
like hungry grey wolves
scouring the woods for prey?
Why is there no rest
until I make peace with the moon?


QUASAR9 said...

Hi Don,
And a fine October day to you!

serenity said...

Hi Don,
Beautiful poem. Beautiful moon.

Blessings to you this wonderful Sunday.

Dan said...

Why?, indeed!

Margie said...

Such a beautiful poem Don!

polona said...

inspired poem!
there is something magical about the full moon, especially the one closest to the autumn equinox..

Bob said...

I love that bit about the wolves hunting for prey....excellent.

I admire you a lot Don.

Anonymous said...

My grandaughter, not yet quite two, begs for me to take her out at night to see the moon. She says, "pretty" and "I love you, moon." As I bring her inside, she says, "goodnight, moon!"

Don, I guess you're not alone!

floots said...

love this
making peace with the moon could be a metaphor for so many things as well as being a beautiful thought in itself

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

My deepest thanks to all of you for commenting. The full moon this month was extraordinary in Cleveland. Hopefully the same where you live.

Yes, Floots making peace with the much in the emotional tide it brings.

Mike said...

I am always in awe when I stare up at the moon. And this year's harvest moon was especially beautiful - perhaps aided by the clear, warm weather we had here in Chicago. Thanks for the reminder, Don!

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