Wednesday, March 07, 2007

There are Deep Places
By Don Iannone

There are deep places
like valleys you wear
that you can't shake loose
until you give them
all that you have.

There are deep places
cutting your world in half
separating you
from your questions
and from your answers.

There are deep places
sucking you in
and making you believe
there is a limit
to how far
you can fall.

There are deep places
you must go
to find yourself
and lose the illusions
following you through life
like perpetual shadows.

There are deep places
that seem to surface
just about the time
you think you have life
all figured out.

Plumb these depths,
but carefully.
And never forget
they are there
because your life starts
and ends in these deep places.


Borut said...

Deeply meditative! I especially like the following lines:

There are deep places
that seem to surface
just about the time
you think you have life
all figured out

On a lighter note, your ‘ plumb these depths, but carfully’, reminds me of a haiku by Issa, the classical Japanese master!!?:)

O snail
Climb Mount Fuji,
But slowly, slowly!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pat Paulk said...

Gold is purified in fire, why should we be less...

Margie said...

Great one Don!
I love your lines....
Plunb these depths
but carefulluy.
And never forget
they are there
because your life starts
and ends in these deep places.

Dan said...

Muy excellente, Brother Don!

Unknown said...

Sorry, my comment that I have deleted had somehow got accidently into the wrong poem. It was meant for the one just below of March 06, 2007.

And now it does stand over there.

Anyhow, that being said and having read this poem, then I can not but gratulate you Don on this very beautiful one, life in a nutshell so to speak.

But why so pessimistic, referring to the life that starts and ends in these deep places? Is life not rather something optimistic, something from above rather than from the deep?

After all, when you do away with everything that can overcome us regarding hardship, then so many opportunities do lay around the corner, even in front of us to lessen the hardship, creating a better world for everyone, the depth of our life, our heart, but still a guidance from above where it all began and never will end within us all.

Kai said...

this is wonderful.

thank you for your kind words

polona said...

wonderfully profound poem, don!

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Thanks all for your wonderful comments. I appreciate them and you.

Bernadette...hello and welcome back.

This poem, like most, can be taken in various ways. There is a VERY positive way to read this poem, if one sees the depths as an essential part of who we are and only there can we find truly who we are for both the good and the bad. The soul is about more than what is good. We forget that side of it.

Truthfully, we are better at times not to judge such things, epecially when we enter our depths. (This is a note to myself). There we discover there is nothing left to life to judge.

This is all personal commentary on where this poem walked into my life and why.

Hope you are well.

Pat, you are so right aboutn gold and about us. much truth packed into Issa. Wow!

Anonymous said...

really enjoyed this one. thanks for sharing it :)

take care, Don

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