Wednesday, March 28, 2007

If Only
By Don Iannone

If only we had it to do
...all over again.
If only we had more chance.

If only we could go back
...and erase what was written
...and write another script--
one more honest and true.
One more real
...and more fully present.
One carrying us past
...our illusions and blindspots.

If only we could let go
...of our need to go back
...and change anything in our lives.

If only we could accept ourselves--
just the way we are.

If only we could listen this conversation
...and heed its ending message.


Christina Ritchie said...

I hear you

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Thanks Christina. Hope you are well.

floots said...

so right
though i try to avoid thinking it
"stet" has become my motto
(though i break the rule all too often)

Dan said...


Pat Paulk said...

"If" is such a big word. You've captured it's power perfectly!!

polona said...

at this stage, i wouldn't change a thing :)

Bob said...

Amen to that!

Kai said...


gautami tripathy said...

"If only we could accept ourselves--
just the way we are."

I am trying to....

Thanks, don for this.

Borut said...

Acceptable; if only, it were not soooo difficult to really accept!:)

trinitystar said...

We could always look forward at the wonder in store for us all.
lifes experiences.
If only we could go back
...and erase what was written
...and write another script--
Oh and how.
hugs for you.

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