Saturday, March 17, 2007

Going to Find Peace
By Don Iannone

There comes a time
when you will have gone
as far as you can go
in the way you're used to going.

There comes a time
when you must find another way of going
to get to a new place
you've never been before
and must get to.

There comes a time
when all the places you've been
won't help you go to the next place
calling your name.

There comes a time
when coming and going will end
and staying the course bringing you peace
will forever end your wandering.

There comes a time
when everything that ever made you go
will make you stay.
In that place you can rest.


QUASAR9 said...

Hi Don,
Peace We Find
Peace We Give


Dan said...

There comes a time
when coming and going will end

Good one, Don!

Margie said...

Hi Don
Love these lines...
There comes a time
when everything that made you go
will make you stay.
In that place you can rest!

Thank you!

Kai said...

ditto margie,
this is wonderful!

polona said...

excellent, don!

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