Sunday, May 28, 2006

Catharsis One May Morning
By Don Iannone

Go beyond the place with words--
that overlived, life-denying abyss
you'll never fill.
Give up the venal odyssey
you call your life
that is just its opposite.
Slip past the counterfeit personality
you wear like a wild cat
in a two-size-too-small wedding dress.
There is nothing to lose
or to gain
since there's nothing there in the first place.
Surrender all you have
which is nothing
to that which comes
before the hunger
you feed between dreams.
Give yourself over
to the emptiness
that must swallow you whole
to end the empty chatter
leaving you nothing
but chatterless emptiness.
Even these words:
more poetic nonsense
pointless guide dogs
causing you to lose your way.
They can't save you from yourself.
Only you can do that.

Photo Credit: NASA


Dan said...

The ineffable expressed! Words fail me. WOW!

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Thanks Dan. It is beyond words--all of it.

CE said...

I prefer to wait. Meanwhile I will do what I have to do.

Jim said...

Life is between the lines, invisible but always present, waiting, always waiting. Everything else comes and goes, Life never changes.

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

You are so right, Jim. Hope you’re well.

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Imemine...One thing for sure, we tend to do what we think we must do. Yesterday was a nice catharsis for me.

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