Friday, March 19, 2004


The Monks Among Us
By Don Iannone

There are monks
who walk among us
in everyday life.
You won't find them
wearing long brown
robes and sandals.

One I know is an
old Arizona friend
who lives in an cabin
in the Prescott Forest,
writes poetry, cares
for the Land, helps
Indian tribes and schools
solve their problems, and
uses his crystal ball to
help people get to
know themselves.

Another I know is
an old friend from Martins Ferry,
who lives in Santa Fe
and uses his meditation cushion
as a very high frequency radio
station to quietly broadcast
love across the world.

Take another look at
your friends, and those people
you pass by on the street.
You might be surprised at
what you find beneath that
blue suit, and pair of
weejun loafers.


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