Sunday, August 24, 2003

The Lady's Prayer

Native American's speak constantly about Mother Earth. This short prayer is a re-make of the original Lord's Prayer, using a femine personification of God. The male personification has been dominant in most Western religions.

My question is: "Do we need to sex type God at all? Can we transcend the sex typing of view of God to something higher, more integrated and whole?"

"Our Mother who art all things,
Our Lady who art the moon, sun, and heavens,
Hallowed be thy name
By thy sovereignty of the sacred land,
Thy divine will be done
On Earth as it is in all realms
Give us this day our daily bread
Bless and guide us, Great Goddess
And protect us from all harm and evil
For thine is the power, beauty, and love
Forever, and a day. Ayea!"

-Sirona Knight

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