Saturday, June 26, 2004

We Gather in Your Honor
By Don Iannone

You were always there,
like the sun behind the billowy summer clouds,
filling us with hope when we doubted ourselves,
Like the stars in the night sky,
you quietly guided us when we needed special signposts,
Your tickled laughter filled the room,
rippling, like a bubbling brook, through all us,
Your tears reminded us to listen with our hearts
to our own hearts and those of others,
You made us feel wanted, even at times
when we doubted whether we wanted ourselves,
Your quiet smile warmed us, like the oven
giving birth to Grandma's fresh bread and rolls,
Your eyes told wonderful stories
that our hearts heard without even a single word,
You loved surprising children,
awakening the tiny slumbering dreams inside them,
You taught us the importance of hard work and sacrifice,
even when we wanted only to play,
Those special one on one conversations taught us
to listen, share, imagine, feel, and dream,
In the end, you always said there is tomorrow,
We believed you,
and that is why we gather in your honor today,
To say thanks Aunt Mil for what you gave us all.

June 26, 2004

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