Thursday, June 10, 2004

Thursday Thought: Education

Education is a life-long process, as most of
us know today. As someone once said, the day
we stop learning is the day we die. The learning
curve for all of us has been accelerated by
technology in our professional lives. But what
of our spiritual learning curve? There, I believe, it
is relationship-based: 1) the quality of our
relationships with others; and 2) the quality
of our relationship with ourselves. The second
relationship is extraordinarily important to our
ability to know who we are and what is our purpose.

I ran across this wonderful quote about education:

"Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting"
a fire." --William Yeats

Light a fire under your self-understanding today.
It will pay dividends beyond what you can ever
imagine. I promise you that.

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