Friday, July 18, 2003


Does this sound familiar to you? It's called the "tyranny of because."

"I was late because my alarm clock didn't go off."
"Profits are declining because of the recession."
I am getting divorced because my spouse is too critical."
"Women make poor leaders because they are too emotional."
"You can't be honest with people because that will damage the relationship."

Source: The Corporate Mystic: A Guidebook for Visionaries with Thier Feet on the Ground, by Gay Hendricks and Kate Ludeman.

Two things come to mind in reflecting on this wonderful insight. First, causality and attribution (connecting causes and their effects) have become an obsession in our culture. Science and religion are both in part to blame for this. Second, at times we are more prone to attempt to explain something rather than simply accept or receive it. The mind is a sword with many sharp edges. Be aware of the various ways it slices and dices reality. And yes, that is straight from Don's Book of Infinite Wisdoms and Other Quips About Life.

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