Sunday, January 01, 2006

The world is simply a dream that we have agreed to experience together. The dream disappears when we withdraw our awareness from it. Source: Daily Zen Inspiration


Dan said...

Try this one on for size:

Prapanca does not disappear because it does not in fact exist in the first place.

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

As they say, only in our minds does it exist, but do our minds exist? Only in minds...

Prapanca: Diversity or multifarious experience-knowledge (prapanca-buddhi), or confused talks (prapanca-vacana) are among the popular meaning of prapanca. A the etymological anaysis shows, the word refers to the fundament (pra-) of this material world, composed of the five mahabhuata (panca-bhuta). It is widely used in the philosophical literature as denoting the phenomenal world, the manifested reality. So prapanca is the multifarious world of phenomena, while prapancita is the adjective used in the meaning of "phenomenal". It means also development, expansion, amplification, explanation, elucidation, prolixity, manifoldness, dicersity, abundance, in a word, appearance, i.e., phenomenon. And hence illusion, fraud, the illusory world out there.

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