Saturday, January 14, 2006

Meditation and the Hamster Wheel of Life...

"Have you ever noticed that you keep solving problems? And you keep winding up with new ones?"

"Welcome to the hamster wheel of Life. This is the endless struggle that is part of the duality in which we live. (I'm right, they're wrong. I'm good, they're bad.)"

"We seem to spend our lives in endless struggles doing things we don't like doing. Supposedly, once we accomplish some project, we'll finally really get to do what we like. Or we'll finally have enough money to do something worthwhile."

Link to read more.


Dan said...

"I picked up my shovel, and i walked to the mine."

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Yessir, Tennessee Ernie Shimp.

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