Saturday, January 28, 2006

Moroccan Wisdom

Whatever it is, it is! Don't seek the truth, reality, or anything else in life. Forget about economics, Business 2.0, economic development, and whatever other illusion that steals your "power of now." Surrender to the moment. Stop watching television, reading the newspaper, surfing the Internet, or gossiping about why the Mayor or Governor should be doing this or that. Why do you care about such things? Will they bring you peace? Ride your camel in life simply and honestly. Allow him to surprise you with an unexpected run. Let yourself get very thirsty for several hours and then savor a few drops of water. Talk about developing a new appreciation for life! Trust your own void. That's you!


Dan said...


Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Void it is. All of it. Even Achaa.

Dan said...


Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

And within that void is found joy!

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