Tuesday, April 27, 2004


Tuesday Thought: Letting Go of Our Fear

Conscious Living is first and foremost about remembering
what I need to do each day to be happy. I cannot remind
myself enough to let go of my fear. It's a daily
journey for me, and most people that I know.

Most of our fears are based upon inaccurate and faulty beliefs
and assumptions about our life reality. Experience shows that
the vast majority of our fears never come true, yet we continue
to worry and fret about everything from losing a business deal
to not catching the mouse in our basement.

I ran across this affirmation on letting go and thought I would
share it with all of you.

"I know that the only thing I lose when I let go of something I
am afraid to live without is the fear itself. I am stronger than
anything that frightens me!

Letting go is the natural release which always follows the
realization that holding on is an energy drain and it hurts.
Letting go happens effortlessly when there is no other choice.
Letting go does not mean giving up."


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