By Don Iannone
Missed flight.
Needless fretting
...about wanting reality to be
...something other than what it is.
How much does it matter
...that my plane is not on time?
How much say should the clock
really have on my life?
Fretting and time just
...make us forget
...who we really are.
They just cause us to stumble
...through the same trap door
...we always fall through
...when we want things
...to be other than what they are.
...the mind plays tricks on us
...through its many trap doors
...leading nowhere
...other than where we are.
What difference does a missed flight
...really make
...in the larger scheme of things?
After all
...the biggest missed opportunity in life
...is thinking
...there was something
...to miss in the first place.
Sometimes G-d, The Great Fate, treats us independently of our normal connections, He always has something in Mind.
I sure know the Feeling, Don. Thanks.
I love that bit about the trap door leading nowhere other than where we are. :)
Thanks Jim and Rob. The trap door metaphor is a very real one for me. Like all else we struggle with, it is an illusion that we give reality to through our attention. What we give our attention to in life is what grows.
Great poem, and great comments. Thanks, guys!
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