By Don Iannone
It's raining...still
but my heart throbs
sunshine bright.
It's raining...still
grateful tears of joy
fall all over me.
It's raining...still
with your heart's ear.
Hear this song written
just for you
flowing like a river
through all who hear--
its steady torrential call.
It's raining...still
don't wish for anything--
Don't even try.
Let it rain...still, and
break the code of silence
hovering all about
choking on its own loneliness.
Wash away all doubt.
Empty taciturn clouds
with the rain...still
all over you.
Beautifully composed Don, They are my feelings too. Reminds me of simon and Garfenkle's Kathy's song
I hear the drizzle of the rain
Like a memory it falls
Soft and warm continuing
Tapping on my roof and walls
Rain is such a blessing Don. Sometimes I sit inside sip a cup of coffee and enjoy the rain, but most of the time I am out in the rain getting myself soaked. It doesn't rain much here in chennai, i go to Kerala to get myself completely drenched. I love the smell when the first drops of rain
fall on the year long thirsty land.
You get it--about the rain, and life. Your photography is a blessing to many.
Like words falling, sometimes gently, sometimes torrentially, on my ears, I hear the sights and I see the sounds. And the 'blessing' part, that is so revealing, Don, caused me to realize the meaning of a Hebrew letter, Caph, that I have been wrestling with today. Thanks for the little picture too, I really like that.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful thoughts. Tell me about the Hebrew letter, Caph, which you have been wrestling with.
Caph, is a 2 part letter, Caph has a meaning that is buried in the words and letters of Genesis 1.11, and 1.12. Now on the surface, like by all outer appearances, it will seem that the meaning is about grass and such growing out of the earth from seed, and tree, likewise and with fruit and seed likewise.
But there is more to it. the grass and the tree and the fruit are growing in the 'field of matter' that had not been prior to vs 9 and 10. The waters had collected together into a 'place' and now by that, they 'sensed', they 'percieved' what is called 'dry land', which is to say, a 'form' of something, anything, everything, sensible. Then vss 11 and 12 tell about the 'forms' that that 'dry land' or 'sense field' take. And in the letters themselves there are hints and clues as to how it happens. The seed, for instance, is the force applied from God that causes the 'interferences' in the 'field of matter (dry land), and these interferences 'become' sensible forms to the intelligence that is represented by the 'waters' which collected together.
Of course, there is more understanding available in the depths of the words and letters of all these verses.
The verse 13, sums up, saying 'evening and morning, day three'. This gives you, by the word and letters of the name of '3', a 'picture' of the newly created situation, it is like this..SH-L-'SH'...that is an english version of the Hebrew word for 'third', and, each SH is a single letter meaning basically, 'means of realizing or percieving a change of form or state of being', the means itself. Two of these SH's are separated by 'L' and L is a linking letter, connecting a 'higher state of being' with a 'lower state of being'. Then one of the SH letters is hyphened, set off as 'to itself', that would be the 'sensed matter' which is the percieved manifestation of forces from the other side of the fabric of 'dry land'.
Is this too long, I better stop for the moment, perhaps someone wants to hear more, let me know, there is plenty.
The word 'blessing' ends in the 2nd form of the letter Caph, and so relates B and R to vs 12 of Gs 1. Now, what vs 12, and the 2nd form are is 'contextualization' of the vs 11, and the first form of the letter caph. Vs 11 is 'fix in mind the fabric of forms', then vs 12 is 'let the fabric actually form the forms from the mind', and the mind is part of the fabric, when you think, the nature, the fabric knows it, thinks too, and can even conform to your thought.
Maybe more later. Thanks for the opportunity Don, I really appreciate it.
What I have found is that the Hebrew Letters and then the Words made with them, are the Perfect vehicle for Thought, and they have the Power to enable 'Spiritual and Soulful' transport in and out of this world of 'matter'. I believe that is what the Christians Jesus had going for himself, and what he pointed to, it was unfortunately sidetracked by the interpositioning of Latin and Greek by the Early Church.
They to me, are Sacred and so Holy, and for the same reasons.
What is 'Bee Season', Don, I looked for it, didn't find a reference to it, is it an older Post? I would love to see it, and my curiosity is curious now. Thanks.
Thanks Jim. You point to something very old…
Your heart is good. On this day, point your goodness in all directions.
Bee Season…the book: http://www.readinggroupguides.com/guides/bee_season.asp
And the movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387059/
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