By Don Iannone
Go...with what speaks to you
...inside your heart.
Go with the image of the Divine
that enables you
...to transcend you.
Don't trouble yourself
with getting it right, because
there is no right
...other than what sparks a passion
...within you for others.
Yes our hearts are our truest guide. :)
Indeed they are.
So, what is your image of the Divine?
You cannot transcend you. There is only this and you.
Thanks for your comment.
One of the great things about poetry is that just about anything is possible, and many different ideas can be sparked within readers by the ambiguity of poetry.
For what it's worth, here is what I was thinking when I wrote the poem. The "you" I had in mind in the poem was what Carl Jung called the self with the small "s," or the ego self, or even better the "me-ego" self.
The ego-self can indeed be transcended through spiritual transformation allowing the Self with the capital "S" to arise and take precedence over the ego-self.
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