By Don Iannone
Thirty-six years ago
...something tragic occurred
...on a, compared to most,
tame college campus.
Four young people died
...during this time before their time
...on a tame college campus
in northeast Ohio.
It shouldn't have happen
...but especially on a tame college campus
in northeast Ohio.
Why not Berkeley
or Antioch in Ohio?
Neil Young's words ring in my ears
...like gunshots in the distance
...chasing faded memories
...of battlefields in Vietnam and Ohio.
The tulips are in bloom now
...pushing their way toward the sun
...like young people struggling
to be heard and loved.
Everything has changed
...but nothing has changed.
Look around for yourself.
Why don't we ever learn?
This isn't about sentimentality
...reminiscing about the good ole days
...or just feeling sorry.
It's about now.
Look around for yourself.
What do you see?
Every face a reflection.
May fourth, northeast Ohio.
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