Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Grandmothers as wisdom-keepers

Hopefully you knew your grandmothers as well as I knew mine. I felt their love--the type only a grandmother can give, which is based on the wisdom they accumulated over the years.

As we grow older, we begin to realize how important all those not so small things were that our grandmothers gave us...a warm kitchen where anybody felt welcome anytime...a hug even when your baseball team lost the game...a story shedding earth-shattering insight into your father or mother...a trip to the attic to see, touch and smell "old things" that gave us a sense of being connected to history...stories of truimph and hope during the Great Depression. At times, my grandmothers didn't have to say a word, the twinkle in their eyes and the lines in their wrinkled faces said all that ever needed to be said.

Let's give thanks for all the grandmothers and great-grandmothers out there. They are our wisdom-keepers.

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