Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Polishing the inner silver...

Last week I had a delightful lunch with David Akers from EagleCheck and Cleveland Bridgebuilders, which is a wonderful leadership development group here in Cleveland that is intent upon filling the gaps in our local civic and community leadership. Since then, David and I have exchanged some insightful emails.

One thing David and I talked about was the distinction between external and internal leadership. External leadership refers to how we employ our leadership abilities to help and serve others. Internal leadership is about "polishing the inner silver" so it can shine through in everything we do in life -- at home, work or in the community.

My work and life experiences have taught me that the quality of our inner leadership, or how we manage our own body, mind and spirit, is tanamount to our success as external leaders.

David, thank you for the conversation.

Cleveland Bridge Builders website.

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