Monday, August 15, 2005

How can you reach your soul?

One way is to meditate on a regular basis and allow the silence within you to grow. Your soul will speak to you amidst this silence; once the inner clamouring and noise settles down some.

Don't know how to meditate. That's ok. Meditation isn’t some sort of magical panacea. It is a direct and powerful way to engage in your own growth and evolution. Learn more

Don't know what to say to your soul. Try saying nothing. Your soul knows what you want, need, and intend. Trust your soul to tell you what you need to know.

If I want to ask for guidance from your soul, what and how do I ask? Simply ask your soul to show you, or help you see, who you really are today. Then, watch carefully. I guarantee you will gain some new insight into who you are spiritually.


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