Friday, February 06, 2004

Why geographic location matters

I posted this to George Nemeth's BFD this morning. It is worth putting up here for my visitors to read and comment on.



Your post prompts some further thought.

Geographic location is a reflection of our physicality as living creatures. It is an important defining dimension of our existence and search for deeper meaning in life. "Place" is as much a psychological and spiritual concept as a physical one.

Geographic place matters because in the most fundamental sense it is an important dimension of where we live in Nature, which encompasses all of us.

Technology, including the Internet, has enabled us to span geography and to appreciate what various locations mean to us. My ED Futures blog has nearly 5,900 subscribers, who come from all over the world. (I consider that a good thing.)

Transcending our physical/material being (including our attachment to geographic place) takes many forms in life. Not the least of which is medical science's quest to extend physical life and prolong the existence of our matter form.

What happens to the physical environment is a concern to all of us because all places (and the people who live there) share one unifying physical environment.

This may sound a bit strange, but I think it is worth considering. Astrology provides an intersection of geography, physical existence, mind, and spirit. It has taken many forms in many cultures over many millenna. There is a distinct geo-physical dimension of anybody's "chart."

I would contend that geographic location will continue to matter to us as long as we cling to our physical being. That may continue to be a long time.

One final point. Geographic location does not need to be the final determinant of our mental and spiritual being.

Back to you...


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