Sunday, February 22, 2004

In search of poetry...

in my life...that is something I have come to realize. Poetry is a path to the heart. It causes us to reach inside and understand life in an intuitive archetypal way. For example...


Life as Poetry
By Don Iannone

Consider the possibility
that life is nothing more
than a simple poem.

That maybe, just maybe,
we are moved from a
deep poetic well
that bubbles up inside us.

The magic of poetry
is how it turns us inward,
causing us to grasp
the obvious, but also
reach beyond.

Poems are like dreams,
filled with images that
rise unexpectedly
from our inner depths.

Like dreams, they fill us
with inexplainable feelings
and vacuums.

To be connected to
one's inner poetry is
to be alive.
What more could we ask for?


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