Saturday, December 13, 2003

Conscious Living has changed...

One of my readers wrote: "Don, there seems to be a fundamental shift in your Conscious-Living website in the past week. I nearly peed my pants last night when I logged onto your site for my daily fix of spiritual wisdoms, and low and behold I discovered that Second City Comedy didn't really close in Cleveland.

Hey, speaking of blogging, you might enjoy this joke:

Question: How many bloggers does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer: Three. One to change the light bulb. One to remark how much brighter the room is now that there is a new light bulb and a third one to say Indeed.

As a non-blogger, Don, I have to admit that bloggers spend too much time either arguing amongst themselves or sucking up to each other and stating the obvious. Too much reverberation about nothing on the blogs out there. I'll keep coming back to Conscious Living because you make me laugh and cry.

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