Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Tzu Shiou (Practicing Compassion) ...
By Karan Gardner O'Neill, Arizona

Let your faith be one of reliance upon Other Power --
one of gratitude that includes no legalism or moralism
that would support your comparing yourself with others
to demonstrate your spiritual superiority.

Let your faith offer insight but not impose.
While it may be missionary, let it not be insensitive
to the views and values of others.

Maintain respect for the dignity of each individual.
Never condemn others or ridicule them.

Religion is not a matter of externals nor of judgment
and measurements, but a deep inner condition which leads
a person to reflect realistically on life and relationships
with others.

The teacher does not stand above the disciple. All are on the
same footing, sharing in the same truth and life. Neither priest
nor layman, neither teacher nor disciple...

We must all confess our own bombu condition and then spend our lives
expressing our gratitude for the gift of compassion.

So let it be written; so let it be done -- quiet your heart, and just be.

Namu Amida Butsu

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