Sunday, January 11, 2004

International Dialogue...Next Steps?

Needless to say, this will ONLY work if you jump in and help to make it happen.

Yes, we need folks to volunteer to be a part of the team and then work on a strategy to make this happen. Let's not overburden the process...since the process will evolve, but we need to define the issues and possible outcomes we want to achieve together.

Maybe we simply start the conversation and let the issues emerge as we dialogue. In that case, getting people in NE Ohio, Canada, and the UK to join in becomes most important and the issues come to the surface as they converse. If we choose that approach, then we simply need to creating a "starting team," which we grow over time.

I favor a more organic (gardening) like approach to the process.

I would like to see the NE Ohio group meet and talk face to face about this. Do you agree? I know George Nemeth, Chris Corrigan, Barbara Payne, and Bill Callahan have expressed interest. Who else?

International connectivity in cities interests me as a topic.

And your initial thoughts?

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