Sunday, June 01, 2003

Evolution is More Collaborative Than Competitive

Charles Darwin's survival of the fittest concept has become embedded in most aspects of our daily lives, from how we do business to structuring learning environments in schools to how we drive on our local interstate highway. Some believe that evolution may have a collaborative side. Maybe the world does not have to be as "dog eat dog' as we think at times.

In the words of James O'Dea, the new incoming President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), "we are coming to know that evolution is more collaborative than it is competitive, and that a complex web of life is intimately interrelated. As we come to know more the nature, depth, and dimensions of our connectedness, we will cross so many of the illusory borders that continue to separate human beings." Source: IONS Noetic Science Review, June-August 2003 issue.

More and more people are beginning to consider the possibilities described in O'Dea's inaugarial speech. My own field, economic development, needs to work even harder at realizing its collaborative potential.

You can find IONS on the Web here.

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