Saturday, October 04, 2003

Who are you?

This question cycles through my life on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes it presents itself in an obvious way, challenging me to consider (re-consider) my values, attitudes, actions and other dimensions of my life. Other times, this question seems to seep into my consciousness in subtle ways.

The older I get, I find myself wrestling with the "who am I" question in two interesting ways. First, there is the pragmatic way, where I am trying to resolve an immediate everyday conflict in my life. I am working on adopting the "don't sweat the small stuff" life philosophy. Then there is the deeper question "W-H-O am I?" that reverberates throughout my being in the early hours of the morning. I find the two are actually related. That's a good sign.

One thing I've learned is I am not my thoughts about myself. You may say..."Don, of course you are." No, they are just...thoughts (temporal creations)...about who I think I am, and really nothing more. Yes, my thoughts reflect who I am...but the "real Don" is always something more than what he thinks he is. The "real Don" is the questioner; that is he who poses the question about himself.

There are lots of related questions in this gallery of inquiry. One, what is my life really all about? How much of my life is about my work, family, friends, my personal spiritual growth and other things? How much of my life is about trying to be those things that I think I economic development consultant, a husband and father, a son and brother, a friend, a man in Greater Cleveland that runs two blogs everyday, and other things.

In these wee hours of this rainy Saturday morning, I have decided this about myself...I am a very fortunate man indeed to have what I have in life. For these blessings, I am deeply thankful. I am grateful to not only be, but I give thanks for my unique and individual way of being. I am thankful for being the unqiue person that I am. See...there really can be sunshine on a dark and dreary Saturday morning.

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